Sunday, January 29, 2006

Another Sunset

Another Sunset
By 24thcentury on 30th January, 2006.
Glanced up from the computer this evening to see these colors out the window. I decided to use my tripod this time and was able to get a good vertical framing.

My tendency in sky shots is to zoom out and try to capture the sense of vast expanse. I'm almost never satisfied with the effect (this is an execption). So instead, I zoomed in to try and heighten the color.

I like that you can still feel the cotton-ball quality of the clouds. I was happily surprised at the detail of the tree in the bottom right, I think it adds a lot to the image. It's a real California sunset, now.

Looking Up

Looking Up
By 24thcentury on 30th January, 2006.
Walking through the neighborhood today, this tree caught my eye. Even without zooming, it filled the frame. I shot two and liked this one coming diagonally up from the corner. The separation of blue and white is appealing, too.

I would've prefered more detail in the shadows, but such are the limitations of my camera. It moves the focus more to the sky and away from the tree itself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


By 24thcentury on 14th January, 2006.
Sake cocktails, to be specific.

That drink on the left was actually blue - blame it on the poor flash white balance in my camera. I also would've prefered not to cut off the glass on the right. You can blame that on the photographer.

Anzu restaurant is a great Japanese-fusion place in the Hotel Nikko near Union Square. The sushi is great, too, which is surprising for a posh hotel restaurant.

Gray on Gray

Gray on Gray
By 24thcentury on 10th January, 2006.
From the Embarcadro Farmers' Market. The Bay Bridge is splendid against a blue sky and water dotted with sailboats. The monochromatic look of this view really took me in, though, and I like it in gray, too.


By 24thcentury on 10th January, 2006.
In the main plaza on the Berkeley campus, there are a number of these trees that have their shoots cut back every fall. The result is a barren, knobby, tortured look all winter until the leaves emerge in Spring.

I took four or five of these shots and like the framing of the moon best in this one.

Fire Engine Red

Fire Engine Red
By 24thcentury on 10th January, 2006.
My coworker's computer caught fire and brought three fire engines (including one of those big ladder trucks with a driver in back).

Orange Sunset

Orange Sunset
By 24thcentury on 10th January, 2006.
Walking from Berkeley campus towards the BART after work. I was struck by how dramatic the horizontal elements in the clouds appeared. I also like the framing in silhouette contrasted against the rich colors.

A Softer Side of Oakland

A Softer Side of Oakland
By 24thcentury on 14th January, 2006.
An office building in Oakland right near the Lake Merrit BART station. I took a number of shots of this scene - various levels of zoom and orientations. I like the tension of horizontal and vertical lines in this one. The tree is complete, but doesn't distract too much from the clouds. There's a lot going on in the frame, but the dead center of the frame has a small rectangle of uninterrupted sky.


By 24thcentury on 10th January, 2006.
My first photo of the new year.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hello World

Mr. Watson. Come here. I need you.