Thursday, March 29, 2007

Napa Valley Wine Country

By 24thcentury on 29th March, 2007.

Ruby or Garnet?
Ruby or Garnet?
By 24thcentury on 29th March, 2007.

Depth of Field of Purple Flowers
Depth of Field of Purple Flowers
By 24thcentury on 29th March, 2007.

This trio came from a day trip to the Napa Valley. The weather was gorgeous - warm with a breeze and not a cloud in the sky. The scenery was also quite nice.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Napping in the Park

Napping in the Park
By 24thcentury on 22nd March, 2007.
This couple was enjoying a lovely afternoon in the park. I cropped the image down to put them way at the bottom of the frame. I'm drawn to the large green expanse and that slashing gray path across the center.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bunch o' Buds

Bunch o' Buds
By 24thcentury on 20th March, 2007.
Another one from the Palace of Fine Arts. These little yellow buds were just starting to bloom on different parts of the grounds. I do like the off-vertical background. If only the sunlight was more direct.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Fine Spring Day

For the Birds
By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

Rippley Rotunda
Rippley Rotunda

By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.

Driving back through San Francisco this afternoon, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful day going on all around. I took a detour along the Embarcadero and continued on past the Fisherman's Wharf and through the Marina, ending up at the Palace of Fine Arts. My drive turned into a stroll as I spent the better part of an hour wandering the grounds and taking photos.

Hang On

Hang On
By 24thcentury on 16th March, 2007.
The trees are sprouting seeds - or whatever the expression is for trees - in Berkeley. The spikey seedpods on this tree remind me of my neighbor's tree growing up. I like the sense that the branch just curls in out of the top of the frame, ready to drop its payload on the unsuspecting squirrels below.

Monday, March 12, 2007


By 24thcentury on 12th March, 2007.
Came across this tableau in Golden Gate park. One child's shoe, left behind on a patch of grass. Imagine the stories that might explain its presence.

Park Bench

Park Bench
By 24thcentury on 11th March, 2007.
An unassuming bench, but I like the lush background along this one entrance to Golden Gate Park. Lots of greens.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


By 24thcentury on 8th March, 2007.
Waiting for the bus in the rain, these colors were the only bright field in my vision. You do see them all over the city. Pay attention, or the Department of Parking and Traffic will be all over you.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Waiting in the Rain

Waiting in the Rain
By 24thcentury on 7th March, 2007.
A couple days back, I noticed this weighty stone bench parked off the path. The rain had let up, but had left a muddy moat 'round it. The photo is an exercise in composition.

Looking for the Sun

Looking for the Sun
By 24thcentury on 7th March, 2007.
Later in the day, the sun did break out and illuminate these early blossoms. An exercise in light.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Not Much of an Eclipse

Not Much of an Eclipse
By 24thcentury on 3rd March, 2007.
So there's supposed to be a lunar eclipse tonight - unfortunately, California is so far away from the main coverage area that we're just supposed to see a red moon with maybe a little cutout. As you can tell, from the top of my apartment building, I couldn't even see that. Just a slightly murky almost full moon.

It does make for a rather attractive night landscape, though.

Theft Deterrent System

Theft Deterrent System
By 24thcentury on 3rd March, 2007.
Passed this guy hanging out in the otherwise empty car one morning in Berkeley. Something about the way he was draped over the arm of the passenger seat (sorta taking up the center console) conveyed an air of casual menace. But who can take a face like that seriously?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Looking Up

Looking Up
By 24thcentury on 1st March, 2007.
It's not uncommon to emerge from South Hall to find a cluster of people staring (or in this case, squinting) at a point not too far above your head. Turns out, there's a small statue of a bear designed into one of the decorative elements on the building's face and tour guides love to make their groups hunt for it.

Where, exactly, is the bear to be found? You'll just have to look for it yourself.