Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pom Pom

Pom Pom
Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.

Lone Loon

Lone Loon
Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
I believe this is actually a duck, but I couldn't resist the alliteration. This one was cruising across a lake on an overcast day.

The Reds

The Reds
Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
And each label of Young's wine is from a different remarkable painting of Italian characters.

Plymouth Vineyard

Plymouth Vineyard
Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
This idylic vineyard scene, complete with tiny wooden house, oak trees, and shaggy grape fines with golden leaves, was at Young's Vineyard in Plymouth, CA


A bit South and East of Sacramento, the Northern California countryside presents some beautiful natural settings and some tasty (and not well known) wine-growing areas.

Monday, February 02, 2009


Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
They are a fairly long way from the beach, but with a little post-process brightening, the slight depth of field produces an effect that draws my eye into the colorful mass.

Gazing Into The Ball

Gazing Into The Ball
Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
I found this gazing ball - reflecting a canopy of colorful glass balls - in an eclectic housewares store on the main street.


Originally uploaded by 24thcentury.
The rings really were that rich blue. Desaturating the background makes them pop even more.

A Return to Photographing California

End of the year slipped by and focused my attentions elsewhere. Photos were taken and, slowly, they're making their way out into the light.

This batch is from a day trip to the small California coastal town of Half-Moon Bay.