Friday, April 28, 2006

Benkler on Open Culture

Politics is not only about politics, it's also about culture and the way we make meaning....

The 20th century saw a period during which, around economies of production of culture, we saw people deskilling themselves from making folk culture and turning themselves over to passive reception of the symbols through which we understand how are lives are, how they can be and why it matters.

What we're beginning to see now, is the reemergence of relatively high production folk culture for the re-telling of narratives about what it is that matters in our lives.

--Yochai Benkler, from a talk today at UC Berkeley about the rise of "commons based peer production" and its impact on economics, politics and culture. (This quote came right after he played the grey video)

It was amazing and inspiring. I highly recommend listening to the recording (it's even CC licensed!).

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