Thursday, April 27, 2006

Catacula Lake

Catacula Lake
By 24thcentury on 26th April, 2006.
Also up in Napa, this small lake is off the beaten path. I like the symmetry of water and sky. This image was processed pretty heavily. I cropped it to this aspect (1:1) to get rid of some distracting parts in the extreme foreground. I also made it black and white since the colors were washed out anyway (shooting into the sun) and I think it highlights the clouds. Speaking of which, they sky and clouds have had their contrast increased so the clouds and cloud streaks will pop out a little more.

I do like the way lines all point to the focal point which is just a little below center of the frame. It feels nicely balanced. I would've liked more detail, but the light wasn't right.

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